PDTCA 2025 has ended
The PDTCA Board hopes you have an amazing Convention 2025!

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Pre-Registration will OPEN February 1, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. and CLOSE February 16, 2025 AT 8:00 p.m.

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“On the two school days of your assigned teachers’ convention, you have a legal and professional responsibility to attend convention. If you are not able to make it safely to your assigned convention, however, your collective agreement may include impassable roads or inclement weather clauses that you can access. If your collective agreement does not include language specific to road conditions or weather, you may make use of the personal leave clauses of your agreement in most cases. Please be aware that using any of these types of leave may require you to pay substitute costs, forego a portion of your salary and benefits, or report to your school or another work location in your district. Refer to your collective agreement for more information. Should you require any additional information or if you need assistance interpreting your collective agreement, please contact Teacher Employment Services at 1-800-232-7208 or 780-447-9400.”
This information is also found on the Frequently Asked Questions page on the www.ataconventions.ca website. If you have any further questions regarding this, please contact Daniel.Maas@ata.ab.ca.

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Friday, February 21

09:00 MST

Empowering Educators: Navigating Grading Reform Through Incremental Changes for Student Success Imperial 5 - HYATTShannon Ireland (Pre-Reg MAX 30) Navigating Child Abuse Concerns and Disclosures. Imperial 2 - HYATTBrenda Straw • Sandi Pineda-Selva Making new.LearnAlberta.ca work for you Macleod Hall E1 - CTCCAlberta Education Reimagining Lunchtime: Empowering Social-Emotional Skills in Alberta Classrooms Telus 103 - CTCCMackenzie Lafleur Gr.7-9-Literacy Interventions that Work! Imperial 6 - HYATTTracey Bowes An Introduction to Restorative Practices and Restorative Circles Imperial 3 - HYATTDerek Keenan Comprehensible Input-based Activities for the Second Language Classroom Telus 105 - CTCCKristin Duncan Nourishing Minds: Cultivating a Healthy Relationship with Food Imperial 7 - HYATTMariel Fajer-Gomez • Donald Barker Personal Retiree Plan education session Glen 204 - CTCCAlberta Blue Cross • Caitlane Tarun Beyond Superwoman - Embracing Imperfection and Prioritizing yourself Macleod Hall D - CTCCAndrea Mishio Unreconciled: Making Meaningful Change Exhibition Hall E X - CTCCJesse Wente Word Study and vocabulary - Building Thinking Classroom style Imperial 8 - HYATTJoshua LaFleur (Pre-Reg MAX 30 Off-Site) Wilder Institute Calgary Zoo: Numeracy at the Zoo Off-SiteWilder Institute Calgary Zoo Maximize Impact by Aligning Mathematics Teaching with the Science of Learning Macleod Hall E3 - CTCCCarla French POWER PLAY - EMPOWER YOUR PRIMARY STUDENTS WITH PLACE VALUE GAMES AND STRATEGIES Glen 201/202 - CTCCJane Felling The Hundreds Chart from Arithmetic to Algebra Macleod Hall E4 - CTCCBrad Fulton Embracing the Chaos - Teaching as a Neurodiverse Music Educator Imperial 1 - HYATTSarah Seymour High School Sports vs Club Sports - We are all part of the same team! Imperial 9 - HYATTCole Hintz • Matt Laslo ASEBP MyRetiree Plan Presentation Glen 206 - CTCCMegon Jones-Ponce I need to stretch- where to start Glen 208/209 - CTCCKendra Silk President Schilling: Unplugged Macleod Hall A - CTCCJason Schilling Work smarter, not harder. Utilizing time effectively - Collaborative workspace Telus 106 - CTCCBarb Olson The Shroud and Science: An interdisciplinary approach to the world’s most studied religious artifact Glen 203 - CTCCGerard Mclarney Lab Skills Performance Assessments in Chemistry Telus 110 - CTCCTyler Buchan Robot Bootcamp Imperial 4 - HYATTWhitney Horban • Bernadette Blakey Trickster Theatre Presents: Science Through Theatre Telus 108/109 - CTCCAlex Allen Propaganda: Using Canadian War Posters to Develop Critical Thinking Telus 101/102 - CTCCAaron Curtis 6 concepts pour une édudcation émancipatrice en français (9:00-11:20) Macleod Hall C - CTCCElizabeth Rush Balancing Act: Navigating Classroom Realities While Crafting Quality Curriculum Experiences Glen 205 - CTCCTiffany Harris (Pre-Reg MAX 45 Off-Site) Effective Teaching Strategies for Students with Dyslexia (and other Learning Disabilities) (9:00-15:20) Off-SiteKelsey Bagnall • Trish Cull

10:20 MST

From play to learning: embracing fun and learning together Imperial 7 - HYATTAndrea Mishio Mapping Your Assessment Plan Imperial 5 - HYATTShannon Ireland Struggling to comment Telus 106 - CTCCBarb Olson Student Self-Marking as Formative Assessment Telus 110 - CTCCTyler Buchan Mental Health and the Trauma informed classroom Telus 101/102 - CTCCMoneka Robinson-Eddie The Transfer Dilemma: Why Is It So Hard To Move Knowledge & Skills Between Contexts? Macleod Hall A - CTCCDr. Jared Horvath S.O.S. (Survival, Organization, and Success) - Strategies for Beginning Teachers Imperial 2 - HYATTGreg Overguard Riding the Wave: Navigating Mortgages in the Era of Higher Interest Rates" Glen 206 - CTCCMaura Shaftoe Unreconciled: Making Meaningful Change Exhibition Hall E X - CTCCJesse Wente Building Thinking Classrooms in Language Arts and Literacy Imperial 8 - HYATTJoshua LaFleur Ordinary Things Imperial 9 - HYATTLindsay Anderson Fast Facts and Fractions Macleod Hall D - CTCCBrad Fulton SHAKE UP YOUR OPERATIONAL FLUENCY - GAMES AND STRATEGIES FOR ADDITION AND EARLY MULTIPLICATION Glen 201/202 - CTCCJane Felling Top 10 Numeracy Activities for Preschool/Kindergarten Macleod Hall E4 - CTCCRoni Kraut Failure First, a Growth Mindset Approach to Teaching Beginning Band Imperial 1 - HYATTSarah Seymour Elves, Orcs, Hobbits and the Meaning of Life According to J.R.R. Tolkien: A Theological Investigatio Glen 203 - CTCCGerard Mclarney Exploring the New Curriculum Through MakeCode Arcade Games Imperial 4 - HYATTWhitney Horban • Bernadette Blakey SHS Community Greenhouse - How to take small student projects and have a large community impact! Imperial 3 - HYATTCole Hintz Art-maker Lab (10:20-12:40) Co-Lab 111 - CTCCMichael Shain Outcome-based Assessment in High School Physics (10:20-12:40) Glen 204 - CTCCKristina Wasyleczko • David Moore How to breathe life into a CALM classroom (10:20-12:40) Macleod Hall E1 - CTCCMichael Koehler The Ultimate Multi-grade Classroom: Colony Schools (10:20-12:40) Macleod Hall E3 - CTCCLaura-Lee Toews In spirit of FLASH mobs (10:20-12:40) Telus 108/109 - CTCCSabrina Grecu Top 10 Practical Strategies for EAL Success (10:20-14:00) Imperial 6 - HYATTYoussra Badr

11:40 MST

Beyond the Red Pen: Making humanities marking manageable Imperial 2 - HYATTGreg Overguard The Learning Trajectory: From Surface to Deep Learning Macleod Hall A - CTCCDr. Jared Horvath Burnout, Grief & Coping: Tools for Teachers. Imperial 4 - HYATTKassie Colonna School psychology in the time of reconciliation Telus 101/102 - CTCCTishina Shannacappo I Like Good Books And I Cannot Lie Macleod Hall D - CTCCLaurie McIntosh It's Complicated: Honouring Complexity in the English Classroom Imperial 9 - HYATTJim Forrest Demystifying desmos Macleod Hall E4 - CTCCMelanie Fricot Unlocking Musical Magic: Join the Calgary Orff Chapter for Creative Division Two Adventures Imperial 8 - HYATTBecki Leipert • Andrea Bohan teaching can be sweaty Glen 208/209 - CTCCKendra Silk ATRF Steps to Receiving Your Pension Glen 206 - CTCCPension Counsellor Exchanges: Embark on a journey that will inform, inspire and transform your teaching or leadership journey Imperial 5 - HYATTCarolyn Freed (Pre-Reg MAX 30) Sexualized Behaviours in Elementary Schools Imperial 1 - HYATTBrenda Straw • Katarina Zunjic Code of Professional Conduct: Navigating the Alberta Teaching Profession’s Processes. Telus 104 - CTCCTanya Thiessen Financial Literacy for Beginning Teachers Imperial 3 - HYATTBelinda Cartwright • Roselyn Patayaikorn-Fithen • David Patayanikorn-Fithen Hot mess teaching: Embracing the chaos with a smile Imperial 7 - HYATTAndrea Mishio Why do bad things happen to good people? Framing the problem of evil in Religious Education Glen 203 - CTCCGerard Mclarney Every Child Deserves a Team: Layering Meeting Structures to Support the Whole Child Glen 201/202 - CTCCLorna Hewson Solve Real-World Problems Using Gizmos STEM Cases Telus 106 - CTCCLindsay Beaulieu Finding Our Place-Fostering School Belonging for Junior and Senior High School Students (11:40-14:00) Telus 110 - CTCCYvonne Renaud • AJ Verhappen The Brain, Body Behavior Connection (11:40-14:00) Macleod Hall E2 - CTCCDanna Ormstrup • Pamela Henheffer Return To The Falls, The Story of Residential School Survivor Elder Betty Ross, Film /Teachers Guide (11:40-14:00) Macleod Hall C - CTCCEppo Eerkes • Guide Fleury

13:00 MST

Using AI to Generate Effective and Personalized Assessments that are Aligned to Curriculum Imperial 5 - HYATTShannon Ireland A Teacher's Guide to Health Inspectors - An Ally for Your Schools and Classroom Imperial 1 - HYATTSarah Yusuf Bawa Creativity Versus Innovation (5–9) Glen 206 - CTCCPaul Bohnert Career Advising 101 for Teachers (and Administrators) Telus 104 - CTCCCharlene Foster Choreography for all Telus 108/109 - CTCCSabrina Grecu Are Schools Really Killing Creativity? Demystifying the Creative Process Macleod Hall A - CTCCDr. Jared Horvath Teachers These Days Macleod Hall D - CTCCLaurie McIntosh Gender-just approaches to teaching French and Spanish Glen 204 - CTCCElizabeth Rush (Pre-Reg MAX 25) Uke Jam Session (Teacher Wellness) Co-Lab 111 - CTCCChristina O'Brien Laughter Yoga with Isabelle la Wonderful Glen 208/209 - CTCCIsabelle Cliche Writing with Picture Book Mentor Texts - Building Thinking Classroom Style Imperial 8 - HYATTJoshua LaFleur Intervention in Math: Getting the Big Ideas Right Macleod Hall E3 - CTCCGerry Varty Make the Most of each Moment - engaging routines to open and close your Math classes Macleod Hall E4 - CTCCMelanie Fricot Promote Yourself: Resumes and Cover Letters that Get Noticed Imperial 2 - HYATTDan Grassick Down the Road or Just Around the Corner: Retiring with Financial Strength Imperial 3 - HYATTBelinda Cartwright • Roselyn Patayaikorn-Fithen • David Patayanikorn-Fithen Stop Tiering Your Students! Establishing, Refining and Utilizing a Continuum of Supports Glen 201/202 - CTCCLorna Hewson Explore How Online Science Simulations Support Scientific Literacy Telus 106 - CTCCLindsay Beaulieu Des tableurs simples pour une pratique complexe Imperial 9 - HYATTStefane Kreiner Story-iffic Writing! Using Games, Music and Drama in the Div. 1 Classroom (13:00-15:20) Glen 205 - CTCCCarol Bartel Nickel A Teacher Caregiver as a Spiritual Practitioner (13:00-15:20) Imperial 4 - HYATTSobia Khaliq Gr. 1-6-Literacy Interventions that Work! (Tier 2 and 3) (13:00-15:20) Macleod Hall E1 - CTCCTracey Bowes Supporting autistic learners within the classroom (13:00-15:20) Glen 203 - CTCCBrittany Rau • Yolande Daley

14:20 MST


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