About me
Trisha Hernandez has over 15 years in Education. Her professional career began as an English as a Second Language Educator in Japan in 2005, then continued in Ecuador and Rwanda, before acquiring her teaching degree in Canada with an international practicum in Switzerland where she engaged in teaching in English, French, and German contexts. She returned to Canada, teaching French Immersion. She has a master’s in the acquisition of additional languages and has worked almost uniquely in the context of teaching second languages. She is bilingual with French and English and speaks conversational German and Spanish. Having traveled to 84 countries to date, she has personally experienced communicating in foreign languages on a myriad of occasions and has a passion for language acquisition. Moreover, with a husband from Mexico, cousins from Japan, and nieces and nephews from Germany and Mexico, who don’t speak much English, she has been actively supporting and teaching her family and daughter through plurilingualism and continues to actively cultivate and promote language acquisition. She has worked the last two years in various roles with the CBE, from learning intervention to ELL support as well as a classroom teacher for French Immersion and in an English program that was composed of almost 70% English as an additional Language learners. During this time she began to notice some of the parallels of components of NLA teaching in a French Immersion classroom to the application of those components in a regular classroom with a high composition of English as an additional Language learners. In reflecting with strategists and learning leaders, she worked on developing some tricks and tools based on the NLA approach to implement in the classroom and share with colleagues to support all classes composed of learners with a different home language.