The PDTCA Board hopes you have an amazing Convention 2025!
Emergency Procedures Calgary Telus Convention Centre
Emergency Procedures Hyatt
Human Rights Statement 
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Adding the session to your Sched schedule does not mean you are pre-registered.
Pre-Registration will OPEN February 1, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. and CLOSE February 16, 2025 AT 8:00 p.m.

How to pre-register - Check the infographic  For Pre-Registered sessions please use the pre-registration link in the session description.

Reason to Create a Profile in Sched
You do not need to create a profile and log in to see sessions in Sched. However, if you want to add yourself to a session to create a schedule or evaluate a session you must be logged in.

Convention at a Glance Link

Professional Responsibility
“On the two school days of your assigned teachers’ convention, you have a legal and professional responsibility to attend convention. If you are not able to make it safely to your assigned convention, however, your collective agreement may include impassable roads or inclement weather clauses that you can access. If your collective agreement does not include language specific to road conditions or weather, you may make use of the personal leave clauses of your agreement in most cases. Please be aware that using any of these types of leave may require you to pay substitute costs, forego a portion of your salary and benefits, or report to your school or another work location in your district. Refer to your collective agreement for more information. Should you require any additional information or if you need assistance interpreting your collective agreement, please contact Teacher Employment Services at 1-800-232-7208 or 780-447-9400.”
This information is also found on the Frequently Asked Questions page on the www.ataconventions.ca website. If you have any further questions regarding this, please contact Daniel.Maas@ata.ab.ca.

Venue: Telus 103 - CTCC clear filter
Thursday, February 20

09:00 MST

Hands-on Minds On: The Intersection of Trades and STEM in K-12 Education (9:00-11:20)
Thursday February 20, 2025 09:00 - 11:20 MST
Dive into an Alberta-based STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) initiative in partnership with Lethbridge Polytechnic that enriches K-12 education with practical trades experience. The session features an interactive opportunity for you to be in your students’ shoes to explore and engage with our free digital and hands-on resources. We'll start with a brief overview of the project and its connections to the mathematics and science curricula and industry. You will then spend the majority of the session interacting with the activities and resources that can be immediately implemented into your practice. We will seek your feedback on classroom application and potential resources. You’ll leave better equipped to answer the question of “Why do I need to learn this?” by connecting mathematics and science concepts to students’ everyday lives.
avatar for Your Partner in STEM - Lethbridge Polytechnic

Your Partner in STEM - Lethbridge Polytechnic

Lethbridge Polytechnic
Kiri Stolz is a passionate advocate for the intersection of trades and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects in K-12 education. She plays pivotal roles in developing and implementing an innovative STEM initiative in collaboration with Lethbridge Polytechnic... Read More →
avatar for Matthew Prete

Matthew Prete

Matthew Prete is a passionate advocate for the intersection of trades and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects in K-12 education. She plays pivotal roles in developing and implementing an innovative STEM initiative in collaboration with Lethbridge Polytechnic... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 09:00 - 11:20 MST
Telus 103 - CTCC
  Mathematics (TQS 3), Div1 (Gr 1-3), Div2 (Gr 4-6), Div3 (Gr 7-9), Div4 (Gr 10-12)

11:40 MST

Inclusive Sexual Health Education: Making sex ed work for all your students
Thursday February 20, 2025 11:40 - 12:40 MST
Traditional sex ed has focussed on heterosexual and cisgender people and relationships, but that leaves out a large group of students. Whether you have some out 2SLGBTQI+ students, or none, your sex ed classes can be inclusive, welcoming, safe, caring and respectful places for students of every gender identity and sexual orientation.
avatar for Nicole Inglis

Nicole Inglis

Health Promotion Facilitator, Alberta Health Services: Teaching Sexual Health
Nicole Inglis (she/her) has taught everything from grade 1 PE to Bio 30 and has taught in both public and Catholic Schools. She has an M.Ed in Adult Education and works on the Sexual and Reproductive Health Promotion team at Alberta Health Services. Nicole lives in Calgary with her... Read More →
avatar for Christine McKernan

Christine McKernan

Health Promotion Facilitators, Teaching Sexual Health, Alberta Health Services
Christine McKernan (she/her) has Master of Science in Health Promotion and has worked in the field of public health for over nine years. She has experience building healthy school communities across Alberta in urban and rural settings. In her free time, Christine enjoys hiking, biking... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 11:40 - 12:40 MST
Telus 103 - CTCC
  Health & Wellness (TQS 3), Div2 (Gr 4-6), Div3 (Gr 7-9), Div4 (Gr 10-12)

13:00 MST

(Pre-Reg MAX 30) Exploring Van Gogh Painting Technique (13:00-15:20)
Thursday February 20, 2025 13:00 - 15:20 MST
Are you a teacher who's always wanted to learn how to paint like Van Gogh? Well, you're in luck! Join and learn how to paint landscapes in the style of Van Gogh using acrylics, brushes, and palette knives. You will be provided with step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process, ensuring you complete a stunning painting by the end of the session. You will walk away with a beautiful piece of art and gain the skills to implement this technique in your own art classroom. Your students are sure to love it! You'll also receive a link to a YouTube instructional video and a PowerPoint presentation to use in your art classroom. Take advantage of this opportunity to bring new creative skills to your teaching!
This session has a participant fee of $15.75. ​Pre-Registration Link​​​
avatar for Izabella Orzelski

Izabella Orzelski

Teacher, Fine Arts Council
Izabella, an accomplished artist and educator, holds an MFA from the New York Academy of Art and a Ph.D. in education from the University of Alberta. Her contributions to art education have been recognized with the Winspear Fund Grant and the Dahesh Museum Award in New York. She is... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 13:00 - 15:20 MST
Telus 103 - CTCC
  Art (TQS 3), Div1 (Gr 1-3), Div2 (Gr 4-6), Div3 (Gr 7-9), Div4 (Gr 10-12)
Friday, February 21

09:00 MST

Reimagining Lunchtime: Empowering Social-Emotional Skills in Alberta Classrooms
Friday February 21, 2025 09:00 - 10:00 MST
Join me for an insightful presentation on "Reimagining Lunchtime: Empowering Social-Emotional Skills in Alberta Classrooms." We'll explore how Alberta elementary teachers perceive the importance of building social-emotional skills during lunchtime. Discover key findings on the use of technology, the necessity of setting clear expectations, and the challenges posed by limited lunchtime. Learn about the value of social interactions, strategies for adapting to diverse student needs, and practical recommendations for optimizing lunchtime to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for all students. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding and practices around school lunchtime!
avatar for Mackenzie Lafleur

Mackenzie Lafleur

Hi! My name is Mackenzie. I've been a teacher for 7 years and I'm passionate about building student relationships.
Friday February 21, 2025 09:00 - 10:00 MST
Telus 103 - CTCC
  Educational Research (TQS/LQS 2), Div1 (Gr 1-3), Div2 (Gr 4-6)

10:20 MST

(Pre-Reg MAX 30) Story Stones - Unleashing the Stories Within (10:20-12:40)
Friday February 21, 2025 10:20 - 12:40 MST
Story stones are an ancient and captivating art form that combines creativity with storytelling. Originating from diverse cultural traditions, these hand-painted stones serve as powerful tools for sparking imagination and fostering narrative skills.
Our presentation aims to explore the art, history, creation process, and various applications of story stones, showcasing their educational, therapeutic, and artistic potential.
Join Rita and Kari and work to create your first set of Story Stones while they explore the educational, therapeutic and creative applications in this interactive session.
A fun way to combine art and storytelling in your classroom!

This session has a participant fee of $21.00. ​Pre-Registration Link​​​
avatar for Rita Kruger

Rita Kruger

Teacher, Golden Hills School Division
As a student with ADHD, mental health difficulties and behavioral issues, Rita experienced the impact a dedicated professional could make. She obtained a BSc/BEd with a Special Education Specialization, and now teaches at a Junior High Behavioral Outreach program. Rita’s passion... Read More →
avatar for Kari Carriere

Kari Carriere

Teacher, Golden Hills School Division
Kari Carriere has been working as a teacher for more than 30 years. While her training and passion is in teaching Art,she has been working in Strathmore for the last 12 years as an Outreach and Online instructor through the LearningAcademy. Kari has spent multiple years promoting... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 10:20 - 12:40 MST
Telus 103 - CTCC
  Art (TQS 3), ECE (Pre K-K), Div1 (Gr 1-3), Div2 (Gr 4-6), Div3 (Gr 7-9)

13:00 MST

(Pre-Reg MAX 30) Explore Mess-Free, Hands-On Watercolor Learning for Grades 1-6 (13:00-15:20)
Friday February 21, 2025 13:00 - 15:20 MST
Address - N/A.

Are you looking to bring a splash of creativity and color to your classroom? Join us for an engaging and practical workshop, "Explore Mess-Free, Hands-On Watercolor Learning for Grades 1-6," designed specifically for educators teaching grades 1-6.

This workshop is perfect for teachers who want to introduce their students to the vibrant world of watercolor without the mess and hassle. Each attendee will receive a comprehensive instruction box containing watercolor pencil crayons, refillable watercolor brushes, watercolor pallet sets, watercolor paper pad, carbon paper, and detailed instructions and lesson plans tailored for all grades.

Learn a variety of watercolor techniques through guided, hands-on practice sessions with our expert instructor, Kiki Lally, who will demonstrate each technique and provide personalized feedback to ensure you gain confidence in your skills.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your teaching toolkit with creative, mess-free watercolor techniques that will inspire and engage your students!

This session has a participant fee of $10.50. ​Pre-Registration Link​​​
avatar for Kiki Lally

Kiki Lally

Founder, Pinnovate DIY Art Studio
Kiki Lally is a proud Calgarian who took a leap of faith in 2016 by leaving her career in aviation to start her own business, Pinnovate DIY Studio. Inspired by the lack of artistic options in the city, she combined her love for crafting and DIY projects to create a unique and diverse... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 13:00 - 15:20 MST
Telus 103 - CTCC
  Art (TQS 3), Div1 (Gr 1-3), Div2 (Gr 4-6)

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