Embark on a photographic adventure at École Secondaire Highwood High School, nestled in the serene backdrop of Alberta's foothills. This session is designed to acquaint educators with Lumix bridge cameras and their role as an affordable, durable, and performance-oriented camera for students to explore the world of photography. During this session, educators will learn the basic operation of the camera, as well as delve into its advanced manual mode where they can manipulate the "Photography Triangle" - the three fundamental elements of exposure control: aperture, ISO, and shutter speed. Complemented by Adobe Lightroom Classic, this workshop aims to provide a source of inspiration for educators to design their own photography program in the context of their own 7-12 learning environments.
This session has limited seating (16) and will be a full day session at École Secondaire Highwood High School, 1401 10 St SE, High River, AB T1V 1S1. The session will begin at 9:00AM. Lunch will not be provided however there are several excellent lunch locations located in High River.
The full day session will have the following sections:
-Introduction to the Lumix Bridge Camera and Adoble Lightroom Classic
-Basic Camera Controls and Manual Mode: gain hands-on experience on how to leverage aperture, shutter speed, and ISO for creative control in any environment
-Photography Time in Highwood's Indigenous Learning Landscape and other nearby green spaces including a skate park (weather permitting)
-Post processing time in Adobe Ligthroom Classic
-Photo sharing and discussion
-Course component examples
-Brainstorming and design time for participants to begin imagining photography offerings in the context of their own school environment
This session has a participant fee of $10.50.
Pre-Registration Link