PDTCA 2025 has ended
The PDTCA Board hopes you have an amazing Convention 2025!

Convention 2025 Feedback Survey

Emergency Procedures Calgary Telus Convention Centre
Emergency Procedures Hyatt
Human Rights Statement 
Land Acknowledgement


Adding the session to your Sched schedule does not mean you are pre-registered.
Pre-Registration will OPEN February 1, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. and CLOSE February 16, 2025 AT 8:00 p.m.

How to pre-register - Check the infographic  For Pre-Registered sessions please use the pre-registration link in the session description.

Reason to Create a Profile in Sched
You do not need to create a profile and log in to see sessions in Sched. However, if you want to add yourself to a session to create a schedule or evaluate a session you must be logged in.

Convention at a Glance Link

Professional Responsibility
“On the two school days of your assigned teachers’ convention, you have a legal and professional responsibility to attend convention. If you are not able to make it safely to your assigned convention, however, your collective agreement may include impassable roads or inclement weather clauses that you can access. If your collective agreement does not include language specific to road conditions or weather, you may make use of the personal leave clauses of your agreement in most cases. Please be aware that using any of these types of leave may require you to pay substitute costs, forego a portion of your salary and benefits, or report to your school or another work location in your district. Refer to your collective agreement for more information. Should you require any additional information or if you need assistance interpreting your collective agreement, please contact Teacher Employment Services at 1-800-232-7208 or 780-447-9400.”
This information is also found on the Frequently Asked Questions page on the www.ataconventions.ca website. If you have any further questions regarding this, please contact Daniel.Maas@ata.ab.ca.

Friday February 21, 2025 09:00 - 11:20 MST
Note: the following session would be presented in French specifically for the francophone association:

Plusieurs programmes d'études des sciences humaines au Canada intègrent un cadre conceptuel tiré des travaux de Peter Seixas et Tom Morton sur les 6 concepts de la pensée historique (https://histoirereperes.ca/les-six-concepts). En revanche, il n'existe aucun cadre conceptuel équivalent pour les cours de français langue première ou français langue seconde. Comment une approche conceptuelle pourrait-elle nous permettre de développer une vision beaucoup plus ambitieuse et optimiste de ce que les élèves peuvent faire, être et accomplir en apprenant le français? Cet atelier présentera un cadre de 6 approches à la langue, qui sont:

- historisante
-fondée sur le lieu
-fondée sur une compréhension des droits
-soulignant la production de sens comme l'effet d'une négociation consensuelle
-prônant la résilience communicative,
-ludique et célébratoire

À travers une série de récits et d'exemples concrets, l'atelier argumentera que l'intégration d'un tel cadre conceptuel nous permet non seulement de répondre à nos engagements en matière d'éducation autochtonisée, anti-raciste, anti-oppressive et SOGI-inclusif , mais également de créer une expérience d'apprentissage inspirante, voire émancipatrice, pour nos jeunes.
avatar for Elizabeth Rush

Elizabeth Rush

Elizabeth Rush is a public school teacher, community translator, and language justice activist. Growing up on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations,  Elizabeth... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 09:00 - 11:20 MST
Macleod Hall C - CTCC
  French & International Languages (TQS 3), Div1 (Gr 1-3), Div2 (Gr 4-6), Div3 (Gr 7-9), Div4 (Gr 10-12)
Feedback form is now closed.

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